
Monday, December 30, 2013

Kids and Water

Yes, now what kid doesn't love playing in water....and it is always MORE tempting when you don't have swimsuits on!!  It was cold....  No need to get in!  Although there was one guy who actually did go all the way in and UNDER!  I think he was training for the Polar Bear Plunge.  CRAZY.

(Take note....couldn't let them have all the fun.)

And when at the beach, there must be a sand castle!  We did not make this.  It was part of the display outside the welcome center.  The entire thing was huge!!....Sorry, no photo available of the whole thing right now.  

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bright Lights....of Hildalgo

Welcome to Hildago
This is actually the second time we went to the lights.  We went last year too...but it was another thing the boys wanted to share with Lil' Miss. So I really didn't take too many photos.  Well, that and...frankly it is really challenging to try to  take a good photo from the car....with a GAZILLION other lights behind the one display you want a picture of!!

Little Bit wanted me to take a picture of these armadillo. Apparent his favorite teacher loves them!  Who knew?!  I wish I has known sooner....I would have bought her a cute wine bottle holder for Christmas.

Li'l Miss Loves the butterflies.

World's Largest Killer Bee
 Actually, this is strange but interesting... This giant statue is there because the first colony of killer bee that entered Hildalgo was in Oct 1990...and they were wuite proud of the new-found title.  Feel free to read more here.

All things Texas: Yellow Rose, Blue Bonnets, & an Oil Well

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all my friends....from our crazy house to yours!  Even though I can't show my kiddos faces....this is pretty close to who we are!

May God BLESS you and your families, may He turn His ear toward you as you follow Christ's way!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Dorothy, You're not in Kansas anymore!

One of the groups I belong to asked what everyone was doing, or going to do, in order to survive the holidays with our FASD children. I decided that keeping things a low-stress as possible as the way to go.  

Last year, one of the gifts I gave to my foster boys was a trip to Texas for family vacation. Well, ever since their younger sister moved in....they have wanted to go back again so they could show her all the fun things.

Ok...I know going on vacation for most is probably not a stress-free time....but I think I have found a method to this. You see, I don't tell them ahead of time. This time, the found out the night before we left so they could help pack. (Last year, they found out on the morning we were supposed to leave.) 

Well, yes.... This crazy momma packed up three FASD kids and headed south to warm & sunny South! May you all have fun. God Bless and Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Elf on the Shelf Jesus Style: Day 6

Time to be a blessing to it is better to give than receive.
The kids will have to work together to make these...and then share them.  (OH, Beau....did you even think this through??  How will I survive this baking adventure with all of them in the kitchen....????)

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Last night I had the chance to take my kiddos to see Disney on Ice.  I was not really impressed with the show.  Frankly, I was rather disappointed in the choreography.  When there was a company doing things together it was really sloppy!  I just feel for the price you pay for tickets....and for the fact these people do this full time....I really felt like it should have been a little more together.  BUT, anyway....

It was SO fun to watch my three kiddos watch completely mesmerized by the whole production. They have never seen anything like it.  And I discovered several Disney movies they have never had the opportunity to watch.  I forget that the experiences my bio had the missed out on.  Things I think are so basic.... like watching Disney movies.

So some of the story lines were lost on them...but they still sat in awe.  Sure wish I could show you all of the cute faces staring at it all. Maybe someday.

All of this was an early Christmas present for them....and it really reminds me how our Heavenly Father enjoys giving us gifts and I am so sure He delights in our pleasure just the same.  Now if we could just remember to sit back and wait patiently for all the good things He has planned.

Elf on the Shelf - Jesus Style: Day 5

Beau was pretty boring, but he brought out a puzzle to try his hand at it.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Minifigure Family

This cracked me up.....

Lego your family and make a postcard HERE

The cast of Characters:  Me, Boog, Iron Man, Little Bit, Li'l Miss, Bozo, and Kits...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Elf on the Shelf -Jesus Style Day 3

Orange You Sweet....  Beau found his way into a bag of Halos to teach a lesson on Galatians 5:21-23. The kids are supposed to share their fruit of the Spirit with the principals....we'll see how it goes!

Elf on the Shelf - Jesus Style: Day 2

Beau started his lesson and fun right of the bat..... The kids couldn't find him in PLAIN SIGHT sitting in the kitchen light! LOL.  The didn't find him until much for being & sharing "The Light" at school today.

His book is actually a letter....he thanks the kids for his name: "Super-Duper Beau" and shared John 12:46

Monday, December 2, 2013

Elf on the Shelf Jesus Style

Elf on the Shelf Jesus StyleWell, I have enjoyed the idea of the Elf on the Shelf for several years....but have put it off for on reason or another.  This year I had been totally planning on getting an elf....but yet wasn't sure.  We "do Santa" here....but I wasn't sure about the 'trickery' involved in the behaviors....(and yet, as I type this, I do kinda remember my parents telling me on more than one occasion "OH I think I just saw an elf checking in on you."....and that was more than one occasion each year...or week knowing me!)

So back to my pondering.....See, these kids need Jesus more than more how in the world could I do this?  Then...BAM!  Someone shared ELF ON THE SHELF JESUS STYLE by Crayon Marks and Tiger Stripes.... OH THIS IS PERFECT!!!  I can't even tell you how perfect she has done the letter from go check it out.  I bought our elf.....and tweeked her letter a little to fit us....and its I can welcome out little guest!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hi-ho Hi-ho.....

It's off to work I go.  Yes, tomorrow it is back to work after a nice 4-day weekend.  I have to admit, on one hand it has been nice to be home.....but on the other, I will be glad for the kids to go back to school.

Ther have been many times the past year I have realized that I miss being at home and homeschooling.  But I am not sure if I could homeschool my FASD trio. I even wonder why God has given me these children.....  I really don't feel adequate many times.....but then I have to lean into Him and trust in Him.....and buckle my seatbelt because the ride is bumpy!!

I did get Thanksgivng dinner made, lots of soup and stock made, the house (outside) decorated, 6 loads of laundry done, three trips to the grocery store (actually different stores), and tidied,the house.....I didn't do any Black Friday shopping. Not for a lack of wanting to, but that is one thing that goes by the side as a single parent. Oh well....

As I head off to work....I'll leave you with this: