“Adoption is a redemptive response to tragedy that happens in this broken world.”
YES it is. I was blessed to watch a redemptive response play out this weekend. You see my friend drove over 6 hours to stay at my house last night so she could go and meet her new son today. God is SO good. They have been praying over this boy for months....no, really probably over a year...you see one of the extra special things about this; I put in interest to adopt this boy and his sisters. I was turned down because I was a single woman (funny that now I have 5 kids in my home! LOL)...but this sweet boy has been separated from his sisters. Honestly, we aren't really sure why. It seems so not fair as there wasn't a safety concern for any of them. But this sweet boy is in a wheelchair. He has cerebral palsy. But boy oh boy is he precious. OH, and the other great thing about this beautiful story: This is THE very same friend that thought about expressing interest in my new son. GOD IS SO GOOD. He new we would become 'aunties' to these sweet babies.
Like I said, my friend arrived late Friday night and I got them settled for a good night sleep so they could get up early this morning to meet their boy. And I was fortunate enough to meet them and enjoy a simply amazing day listening to he infectious laughs and giggles. Oh how he LOVED his new brother pushing him in his wheelchair....get him to go faster and faster. Better yet, turning his wheels into a bumper car 'tagging' the other boys made us all have a good belly laugh. Over and over. God is awesome really. When He places the lonely into families, He knows. He knits them together....not from momma's womb...but knit together just the same.
And then theres the tragedy. You see, I just spent a good 40 minutes allowing my 7 year old daughter sob in my arms. Visceral deep sobs. Because I we said prayers and were thankful for a family coming together...the wounds were opened a little wider and a little deeper. Lil' Miss just wished and wanted to be able to live with her mom. When we talked more, she said she knows that it will never happen and its not possible. And she wanted to know where she is.... Well, at last knowledge, I know she has been arrested for several felony counts of identify theft and fraud in two different counties. I also will not lie to a child. So in the most tender way, I asked if she really wanted to know...even if it made her sad or hurt. She did. So I told her. We had a good release of sadness and pain. Afterward, we did as we should....and turned our hearts to Jesus and prayed. Knowing we must pray for Mom to find Jesus so she will want Him more than the drugs that are currently controlling her.
We are not extraordinary women doing amazing things. No we or rather ordinary, allowing God to use us in messy complicated situations caused by a broken world. Women that aren't afraid of the poops of life. Women that know even for all the frustrating moments that we want to pull our hair out, that these children are precious. They deserve to know that they are special. God loves them. We love them. We love them through all the mess. We clean them up and help them be a little better.
We are not extraordinary women doing amazing things. No we or rather ordinary, allowing God to use us in messy complicated situations caused by a broken world. Women that aren't afraid of the poops of life. Women that know even for all the frustrating moments that we want to pull our hair out, that these children are precious. They deserve to know that they are special. God loves them. We love them. We love them through all the mess. We clean them up and help them be a little better.
So there it is.... wrapped up in less that 24 hours. the joy and heartache. I ask you to pray. Pray for the orphans that still have not met their forever family....pray for the families that still do not know that this is their calling. Pray for hope, healing, and redemptive love and grace for all involved.
What a beautiful testimony of the adoptive heart! Prayers and smiles between tears!