
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Single Parent Foster Care

I always like "meeting" others in/on the adventure called foster care...or foster-to-adoption....or adoption.  I am always even more interested when I find another singleton that has decided (for wahtever reason) to jump on this journey.

I like to read about your joys, struggles, concerns, celebrations, and everyday life.  I love to see how my kiddos and your say and do the silliest things.  Yes, it helps me not go crazy.  

So today, as I help kiddos with homework and reading, I thought I would look for some single foster parents blogs......



                                                    another phrase...........

                                      another phrase...........

     .................and search ........yet.............another phrase...........


I am really disappointed.  I found a few and it seems that they were all abandoned after 3 or 4...maybe 6 entries.  SAD.  I wonder why that is.

Anyone have any ideas?  Is is the discouragement of noone reading?  Is it the business of being a single parent??  (Believe me I understand that!  I was a single mom of one before this adventure....and now I have added three!)  We need each other. For support, encouragement, fellowship, ideas, a listening ear, a sounding board, laughter, and much more.


  1. Found your blog through Foster Adoption Blog. I'm a single parent foster-adopt parent. I thought about blogging. Honestly after a full days work and dealing with my daughter's stuff as well as giving her the attention she needs I'm tired! I also have some concern about her birth parent somehow finding a blog on the internet of us! So I guess it's a mix of time and privacy. I've tried to connect to others in my area and have had luck finding one other mother who is a single adoptive parent!

  2. Jessica, thanks for stopping by! I can understand the privacy issue....that's why no names here. And yes, there are many days when I am just WAY. TOO. tired. Keep it up....good luck and God Bless!

  3. I'm a single foster mom to be! :)

    1. Awesome! It is fun & rewarding,...and sometime challenging. BUT totally worth it. Thanks for stopping by. Good Luck & God Bless!

  4. I am a single foster and adoptive mama and I blog over at
    (about foster care, adoption, parenting, Jesus and other random things).

  5. Hi! I'm a single mom-to-be through adoption. I was certified in Nov. 2013 so I've just recently begun blogging about it - I blog about other things as well. :) I'm over here at and have a "single parent adoption" that pulls up my posts.
