
Monday, December 2, 2013

Elf on the Shelf Jesus Style

Elf on the Shelf Jesus StyleWell, I have enjoyed the idea of the Elf on the Shelf for several years....but have put it off for on reason or another.  This year I had been totally planning on getting an elf....but yet wasn't sure.  We "do Santa" here....but I wasn't sure about the 'trickery' involved in the behaviors....(and yet, as I type this, I do kinda remember my parents telling me on more than one occasion "OH I think I just saw an elf checking in on you."....and that was more than one occasion each year...or week knowing me!)

So back to my pondering.....See, these kids need Jesus more than more how in the world could I do this?  Then...BAM!  Someone shared ELF ON THE SHELF JESUS STYLE by Crayon Marks and Tiger Stripes.... OH THIS IS PERFECT!!!  I can't even tell you how perfect she has done the letter from go check it out.  I bought our elf.....and tweeked her letter a little to fit us....and its I can welcome out little guest!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you soooo much for the shout out! You rock!! I hope that your family enjoys it and that it blesses you! Thanks again so much!
