
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Real truth or fake truth....

OK, you know, you just have to have an appreciation for the things kids say!!!  Like tonight.  We are walking to get dinner at Chick-Fil-A (It was receipt food for bring my receipt back from Thursday...2 for 1 dinner can't beat it!!!) ...anyway....

We are walking and Little Bit and I have the following conversation:

LB: My coat is ripped.

ME: How did you do that?

LB:  I didn't.  It just did it.

ME: Uhm, No it didn't just "do it"  How did you do it?

LB:  I don't know.

ME:  Ok.  When did it happen.

LB: Uhhhhhh......

ME: LB. When.

LB: Friday.

ME: How did you do it?

LB:  I don't know.

ME:  Yes you do. Either your ripped the whole thing (This is a hole from under the arm down the side..B-I-G  GIANT.  HOLE!) or it had a little hole and you tore it up.  SO, how did you do you?

LB:  weeeelllllll..............

ME:  You will get in less trouble if you just tell the truth.

LB:  Do you want the real truth or the fake truth?

ME: Real truth, please.

Frankly, I am not sure if I ever even was told how this gash even happened.  Honestly,  I was so, so , so  just trying to keep the chuckling inside and not let it show.  HAHA!!! Oh my goodness we have come so far.  I am loving this kid.  He really and truly cracks me up "Real truth or fake truth".

ME:  OH, and by the way Little Bit, I am not buying you another coat.  So when it gets cold and you don't have sad for you.  You will need to buy a new one.

(Yes, I came back enough to toss a little Love & Logic his rants, no yelling, no craziness....)

We have I have really been making an effort to get the truth in all things.  Honesty is so hard.  I mean, its hard for us 'normal' imagine what it is like for a kid that had whatever God-aweful experience every time something went wrong in life.  Yes, it is hard to own our actions and take responsibility...but we must.

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