
Monday, April 1, 2013

Time change...and bed times

OK. This friggin' time change is going to be the death of me...maybe not so much the time change as the two little blessings that are in my house right now!!!  UGH!!!  I have tried to explain to them (EVERY SINGLE NIGHT) that the time is 7:15-30...and it is bedtime...just like always. AND it is bedtime.  But, heck they don't understand it, can't tell time, and can not grasp why do we have to go to bed when it is still morning time!!!!

Now, please keep in mind....this is a 6 year old and a 8 year old.....

OBVIOUSLY this is just another point that they were left to run on their own devices in bio home...and the prior foster home wasn't any better with the parenting skills!

GEE, Can anyone tell me how many days until the time falls back???

(And, yes, I have mini blinds on the window along with a room darkening curtain....and have now told them the time will not change until after cover your head with a blanket if you must....but IT. IS. BEDTIME.)


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