
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Marathon Strong Willed Child

Yes, I have decided....SORRY. MOM. FOR. ALL.THE. A-GRA-VATION!  You could say I was a stubborn child. Growing up, if I was told a couldn't do something....I would prove you wrong.  (ability may not have been the issue...permission and obedience were more like it)  At least, that's how I remember it.....OH, who the heck am I kidding??  I'm still that way!  Tell me not to do something; my response will be "WHY?"  Or if you were to tell me I couldn't do something....I will set out to prove you wrong.....

NOW, I have decided Dobson should have written a book. See, I now have a wonderful blessing in my home.  She is cute, funny, charismatic, strong-willed, determined, and may put "strong-willed" into another category of "push-over"!!!  At 5 years old, Li'l Miss is going to give me a run for my money.

As I sit here waiting for her to be ready to do her 5 minute time out....I really have to chuckle.  She has spent nearly an hour chanting "I want to get in my bed"..... what, you may ask, would cause this??  Well, she wasted alot of time disobeying at school, refusing to do her Teacher and I have an agreement.....  "If school time is wasted, she gets to do it here at home."  (Yes, I am a M.O.M.  - mean ol' mom)

So...anyway back to my chorus of worship music and a background line of "I waaaaaaaaaaaaaanna get in mmmmmmmy beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddd"

She has a great balance of determination and stick-to-it-ness..... as long as it isn't something she doesn't want to do.  If it is something she doesn't want to do, suddenly "I can't" & "it's too hard" get stuck on repeat!!!

Well, I guess I can start the 5 minute timer, now. (after an hour and 15 minutes of craziness....)  Is it bad that I suggested we keep howling to call the coyotes???

Yes, that got her quiet.

Oh, my dear sweet marathon-strong-willed-child, I love you dearly....and I know this skill you developed was instinct and to polish it into the right areas.

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