
Thursday, November 28, 2013


So I began my day of cooking with homemade cinnamon rolls.... As they were baking... Got the turkey into the oven. And then....
Breakfast was ready and dinner was in the oven.

Then I decided to do a little project.  I have had the supplies for almost the last week.... 

I had each kid in the house put their  hand-prints on here and turned them into turkeys.... (They each picked out the color they wanted in the store... So this is bright).... Then we each listed 8 thing we are thankful for this year.  (FYI: The giant hearts were added over my photo to block out the kids name due to privacy issues...they aren't really on my table runner.)

I know you are curious as to what we each listed, right?
Iron Man:
1. Trees (because they give us air to breathe)
2. Food
3. Toys
4. Teachers
5. Mom
6. Dad
7. School
8. Clothes

Little Bit:
1. My sister
2. Momma (He clarified this as "you" to make a point he was talking about me not bio-mom)
3. Iron Man
4. Our dog
5. Our cat
6. Friends
7. Toys
8. Teachers

Li'l Miss:
1. Munchkin
2. Our house
3. YOU Momma!
4. Our dog
5. Little Bit
6. Iron Man
7. School
8. Toys

1. Boog
2. Iron Man
3. Little Bit
4. Li'l Miss
5. God
6. Friends
7. Our house
8. My job  (Yes, it is good to be able to pay the bills!)

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